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14th St Milwaukee

Mass Shooting

A mass shooting happened here last weekend. 5 girls/women were shot and one 15 year old boy died here. A block away on Concordia St. there are two memorials as well as a home where a 2 year old was accidentally shot and killed. Milwaukee needs more people to help. Milwaukee needs all of us...
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Sage Chronicles

Mr. Robert

God has a funny sense of humor. When we bought our house and moved in, two men that I didn’t know were living in the flat below us. I remember Mr. Roberts’ son coming upstairs to ask me for video game cheat codes.  He was a bit intimidating at 6’5” but a gentle man who...
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Garbage in alley

Self Esteem

How is your neighborhood’s self esteem?  Mine isn’t great.  When people talk about my neighborhood, most of the time it isn’t because something great happened there.  People think bad about my neighborhood. When you think bad about a neighborhood, do you also think bad of the people who live there? What if people thought more...
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First rental demo

Rewriting The Narrative

We tell stories to help us make sense of the world. These hundreds and thousands of stories we tell ourselves and each other make up our world view – how we process our tiny place within the world. Some stories are meant to inspire. Some stories are meant to teach us deep lessons about humanity....
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53206 logo

Episode 59: A Backpack Full Of Trauma (Our House Got Broken Into – Part 3)

Like in many inner cities, the neighborhoods in 53206 experience traumatic events at a predictably higher rate than other places outside of our cities. On this episode of the 53206 Cast, Meg and Alex sit down and talk trauma and how traumatic events can impact children’s ability to be successful in school.  Resources: Electrical fires...
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Of Course It Would Be Like This

Of course it would be like this. I find myself saying this to myself a lot lately. I’m not the first person to think this and I’ll undoubtedly not be the last. But this statement has become a mantra for me lately. Of course version 3 of 10 would look like this or of course...
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Processing Week 6 – Misplacing Automobiles, Defining Buckets, and We Got This

I’m not a macro-economist. I took one econ class in college. The professor was a parrot-head (someone that goes to Jimmy Buffet concerts). Besides telling us the basics of how a free market economy works, the main take away from that course was that he lost his car at a Jimmy Buffet concert at Alpine...
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When I was working in a school we had a saying, self awareness, plus perspective yields empathy. Empathy was the goal, because you begin every interaction seeking to understand what would be in the best interest of the person you were serving. If I’m deciding what the next course of action should be for a...
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Stolen TV

Home Invasions and Half Iron Mans

I told myself if I could get halfway through the bike, I would be ok. I haven’t always been the type of person that exercises. I’d never paid to participate in a race. I’ve run two marathons, but the course was either designed by my sister or just made up as we ran. One year...
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53206 Park

Communal Responsibility

Last night my 10 year old went to the neighborhood park with a few other girls from the block.  As she was gone I couldn’t stop listening for anything out of the ordinary and worrying about her in general.  Last week there was a drive by shooting spraying about 100 rounds for several blocks on...
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Week 3 Of Semi-Retirement – Flexibility

In the early 2000’s I spent a lot of time going to church. Church means different things for different people at different times of their lives. For little Alex Bruzan, it meant evangelical, structured services with singing to start, singing to end, with a half hour talk in the middle, and a couple of prayers...
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Do you have a flashlight or candle I can have?

“Do you have a flashlight or candle I can have?” A woman walking down the street stopped me and asked me this question.  I thought this was a weird request so asked why.  She said that the power and water was shut off in her home so a flashlight would be helpful in getting through...
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3 Paragraphs On Purpose

For the first time in a long time, I’ve got time. So I think I’ll spend an hour refining those three big goals I’ve been working through. The more refined they are, the easier it should be to figure out some actions that’ll work toward solving the problems created by those three big goals. I’ve...
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An Update On Charlie’s House

I’m standing in the downstairs kitchen at Charlie’s house getting ready to put up a coat of mud in the living room. When I come here, I can’t help but think about him. We were neighbors for about a dozen years. When we first moved into 53206, I had a fear that the people who...
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Week 2 Of Semi Retirement – Spreadsheets To The Rescue

I know when most people think of retirement they assume they won’t be doing much. I wrote last week that I was so focused on achieving the goal of early retirement also known as FIRE (financial independence retire early) I rarely spent time visualizing what it might be like to not have to work anymore....
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Car Crash

It’s Harder To Live In The Ghetto Than It Is To Live Not In The Ghetto

It’s harder to live in the ghetto than it is to live not in the ghetto.  Saying that outloud to myself, it seems absurdly obvious ( and a little grammatically awkward). I spend a lot of time thinking about why we chose to move into the inner city, what we were like back then, and...
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First rental demo

Electrical Fires

“When you pay rent somewhere, you pay to feel safe, not to worry about if your house is going to catch on fire.”  That’s a quote from the article linked
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Is This Called Backwards Design?

I was reminded today about a principle in design that is easy to overlook, but is so critical to accomplishing long term goals. It’s particularly useful when the goal is arbitrary or currently unbounded. I have the goal of designing educational systems and structures which minimize the predictability of student success along racial and socio-economic...
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A Couple Of Thoughts On Seeing My First Drive-By Shooting

For the number of times I have been asked if I am worried about getting shot when I explain to people where I live, you would assume I’ve seen a ton of drive-by shootings. In reality I hadn’t seen one until this past Saturday. My family and I are very lucky to have not witnessed...
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You can do anything you want but you can’t do everything you want – what I’ve learned during my first week of semi-retirement.

We can do anything we want but we can’t do everything we want. I’ve heard a friend of mine say that a couple dozen times over the years. It’s usually in reference to school budgets. Sure we can do whatever we want to do, but there’s always constraints. I’ve been expecting to retire early for...
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53206 Hat

An Inner City Thesis

A large part of my formative years were shaped by religious teaching, mostly from the Christian point of view. I worked 3rd shift in my late teens and early twenties which meant my schedule was inherently different than most of my friends. When they were asleep, I was working and when they worked or were...
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We Finished The Schedule

I don’t think we have figured out the best way to educate young people. I think we are better than we used to be, but I also think someday we will be better than we are right now. I think it’s absurd to suggest that we have our educational systems and structures so perfectly refined...
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Alex Bruzan Running in the Ghetto

5 Things I Learned About Doing Hard Things From Running Every Day For Almost 5 Years – Part 1

I’m sure I could come up with a list longer than 5, but I’ve got to start somewhere. Barring injury or some other, what now seems unlikely, set of circumstances, on December 31st, 2021 I will have ran for at least 3 miles every day for 5 straight years. If you told me starting today...
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Car Crash


A 16 year old died a few weeks ago because he crashed a car he stole. His life was valuable. All lives are valuable, but I wonder if he didn’t see the value in his life.   We all have made some dumb decisions, but his dumb decisions shouldn’t equate to him loosing his life....
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Getting Arrested

This weekend we saw three people get arrested. Two of them were Black. Out of the three people, the white man getting arrested was clearly treated more humane then the Black man and woman. I have a lot of feelings around this but as we were discussing it with the kids and as I was...
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Stairs on Playground

Needing the Most

What would happen if those that needed the most got the most? This is my neighborhood playground. It’s been missing these stairs for at least a year, the bigger slide was burned down before my kids were born and this big panel is missing on it. It’s not nice at all and I rarely see...
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Megan Bruzan


I used to worry that I was going to say something wrong when I talked about race.  I used to worry I was going to offend someone when talking about injustices and the poor.  I used to worry that I didn’t know what I was talking about since I am a white privileged woman.   The...
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We just got back from vacation and although it was nice, I had this nagging feeling the whole time. I kept thinking about how so many people in my zip code can’t go on vacation. So many can’t go out to eat at a nice restaurant.  Vacations aren’t bad, but the fact that not everyone...
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53206 Podcast

Episode 47: A Roadmap For Social Change

For 15 years Alex and Meg have lived in the 53206 zip code – the poorest zip code in Wisconsin. Naively, the thought they were moving in to change the world. Predictably, that didn’t happen, but the desire to create lasting change in their neighborhood never left the two. On this episode of the 53206...
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Run by the river

Ahmaud Arbery’s run woke up white America

I go for a run a lot and I never think about getting shot.  That isn’t the reality for many people that don’t look like me.  A year ago today, Ahmaud Arbery went for a run. His run ended with him being gunned down because he “looked like a thief” due to his skin color.  ...
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53206 Podcast

Episode 43: Decrease Comfort To Increase Purpose

On this episode of the 53206 Cast Meg and Alex talk about passing our girl scout cookies and how something simple in one area becomes complicated in the inner city. Then the two make the correlation between decreasing personal comfort and increasing purpose and share how that can be done in an intentional way to...
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Memorial on 8th St.

How Does Poverty End?

Alex and I have been doing a podcast about living in the inner-city of Milwaukee since this summer.  I don’t post much on it because I never want to force things on people.  I used to just think that some people care about some things and others just don’t and that was fine.  Now, I...
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Sledding in Milwaukee


Our kids are still doing virtual school so most of our lunch time is trying to get some of their energy out. The other day we went sledding at a good hill over by Riverside High School and were on our way home when there was a car with a chair hanging out the back...
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Why We Can't Wait

Why We Can’t Wait

This weekend one of our neighbors moved out.  She was a really nice woman with two kids.  She was a quiet neighbor and left for work early and came home late.  We didn’t see her a ton but when we talked with her, she was kind and seemed like she was doing a great job...
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53206 Podcast

53206 Cast – Episode 39: A Couple Of Thoughts On MLK Day

Meg and Alex are back talking about a couple of quotes from Martin Luther King Jr. and some of the parallels from the early 1960’s and life in a poor almost all black neighborhood today. While a lot has changed in the last almost 60 years, there are still steps needed to put things back...
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We Got This

Gift Drive

Two-thirds of the children in 53206 zip code live in poverty! Though a gift isn’t going to fix poverty, it will make the holidays a little brighter. We Got This community is doing a holiday drive for those in need. As COVID hit, many hourly workers have been hit hard with their income. If you...
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53206 Podcast

53206 Cast – Episode 33: Why Are The Only White People That Come Into Our Neighborhood Here To Buy Drugs?

Meg and Alex continue their series around public perceptions of their neighborhood. On this episode, they respond to the idea that drug houses exist and the struggle around getting help removing them.    iTunes link: Spotify link:  
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Crime Ridden Neighborhood

Alex and I put out a podcast asking the question if our neighborhood was violent and crime ridden on the same day Mae and I rode our bikes by a new memorial of another death in our neighborhood. There were balloons on a tree and candles below them which symbolizes that someone most likely was...
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53206 Podcast

53206 Cast – Episode 32: My Neighborhood Is Violent and Crime Ridden?

Meg and Alex are back starting a new series around how perceptions about the inner city rarely match reality. In this episode the duo takes in the idea that 53206 and inner cities in general are violent, crime ridden places.    iTunes link: Spotify link:  
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A Theology of Hustle

A Theology of Hustle Podcast

We had the opportunity to be on A Theology of Hustle Podcast with Currey Blandford this week. It was a really neat opportunity to get to know someone who hosts a great podcast. Currey is great guy and also features some great topics on his podcast. Give his stuff a listen!
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53206 Podcast

53206 Cast – Episode 31: A Couple Of Thoughts On The Passing Of Lucille Bridges

Meg and Alex are back in the sitting room reflecting on the recent passing of Lucille Bridges. 60 years ago Lucille brought her daughter Ruby Bridges to school. While that is normal for us today, it was anything but that in Louisiana in 1960.    iTunes link: Spotify link:  
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What are you afraid of living in the inner city

Alex and I have been talking about how people ask us if we are afraid of getting shot where we live on the 53206 Podcast and the truth is that before I moved into the inner city of Milwaukee, I was afraid of getting shot even driving through the area.  But then I moved into my...
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When a society is broken

We had a fire on Wednesday night. While sitting outside, about an hour after sunset, we heard about 50 gunshots just a few blocks away.  We sat there and hoped for them to stop, but they kept coming.  When they finally stopped, we listened and waited for police sirens, but didn’t hear any. The strange...
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53206 Podcast

53206 Cast – Episode 30: What’s The Most Surprising Thing About Living Here?

In this episode of the 53206 cast, Meg asks Alex what the most surprising thing about living in the inner city is.    iTunes link: Spotify link:  
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Kids learning on computer

High School Drop Out

When I was in high school I didn’t know a person who didn’t graduate high school.  I always thought kids who dropped out of high school chose to drop out.  The fact that Milwaukee Public Schools graduates 2/3 of Black students just seems very off.  In Wisconsin 94% of white students graduate high school and...
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53206 Podcast

53206 Cast – Episode 29: Why Are Our Kids 23% More Likely To Graduate High School Than Our Neighbors?

Meg and Alex talk shop, whatever that means, around education, specifically inequities in educational outcomes. The couple dives into some of the causes of a student not graduating high school to give a little insight on one of the more alarming statistics around education – the fact that the graduation rate in Wisconsin for African...
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The community gave up on me, so I gave up on myself

There are few times when someone says something and it penetrates me.  This was one of those times.  On Saturday, there was a celebration of life at the We Got This garden for 4 boys who died.  A woman started speaking on the stage and I was immediately drawn into her words.  She talked about...
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53206 Podcast

53206 Cast – Episode 28: Tim, Stop Asking To Buy My House

In this episode of the 53206 Cast, Meg and Alex talk housing and the weird dynamic in the inner city where you might live next to a house that can’t be given away, yet there is always someone trying to buy your house.    iTunes link: Spotify link:  
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Getting it Wrong to Get it Right

I didn’t get it right. I said racist things. I struggle talking about race and continually get it wrong. So, should I stop talking about race? I struggle. I sometimes say racist things but I really want to get it right. Alex and I did a podcast the other day and I felt like I...
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First rental demo

Filth and Despair

In 2015 we were getting frustrated with the people that lived behind us.  There was trash everywhere around their house and they weren’t being respectful of the neighbors and neighborhood.  We talked with the home owner a few times and it became clear that she didn’t have the capacity to handle the home or be...
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53206 Podcast

53206 Cast – Episode 27: That’s A Lot Of Mail

Meg and Alex continue their Sunday morning conversation and talk politics, well sort of. The two discuss some fears they have about the upcoming election, but attempt to do so as neutrally as possible to not take away from the the larger narrative around racial reconciliation.    iTunes link: Spotify link:  
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53206 Podcast

53206 Cast – Episode 26: 1,000 Boxes Of Food

Meg and Alex are back in the sitting room to talk about a powerful experience they had recently at the We Got This garden. A semi truck dropped off 1,000 boxes of food which was given out to families in need in about 3 hours. The two talk about what happened and how seeing so...
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53206 Podcast

53206 Cast – Episode 25: 4 Murders in 9 Blocks

Meg and Alex sit down to talk about a startling realization that in the course of 9 blocks, one could walk or drive from the location of a recent murder, past two other murder scenes, past their own house and arrive at the location of the fourth murder all of which took place over the...
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53206 Podcast

53206 Cast – Episode 24: Gunshots or Fireworks

Hearing gunshots in the 53206 zip code isn’t something all that uncommon. Hearing 50 of them at 8 o’clock on a Wednesday night is. Meg and Alex sit down in the sitting room to talk about hearing that many gunshots on an otherwise beautiful night.    iTunes link:  
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Breonna Taylor


I have a hard time grasping what the verdict of Breonna Taylor case really means.  I don’t have to be impacted by the verdict and my privilege allows me to turn away and be comfortable.  I don’t like feeling uncomfortable and as a white person, I live in a society that was built to make me...
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53206 Podcast

53206 Cast – Episode 23: The Most Segregated City In America

Meg and Alex answer a listener question about what happens when they return home to the inner city. Then Meg tells a crazy story about police chases and watching someone get before the duo starts to explain the statistics behind Milwaukee being considered one of, if not, the most segregated city in America.  Cited content:...
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53206 Podcast

53206 Cast – Episode 22: Getting Sent Home Again

  Meg and Alex pick up where the conversation in episode 21 left off around suspension rates in Wisconsin schools. The two give some thoughts around whether this is an individual problem, a school problem, or a system problem.  Statistics mentioned in this episode: Wisconsin school enrollment: White: 588,000 Black: 77,000 Economically Disadvantaged: 362,000 Not...
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53206 Podcast

53206 Cast – Episode 21: Getting Sent Home Again

Meg and Alex pick up where the conversation in episode 21 left off around suspension rates in Wisconsin schools. The two give some thoughts around whether this is an individual problem, a school problem, or a system problem.  Statistics mentioned in this episode: Wisconsin school enrollment: White: 588,000 Black: 77,000 Economically Disadvantaged: 362,000 Not Economically...
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53206 Podcast

53206 Cast – Episode 20: We Will Not Die Young

  Meg and Alex finish up their Sunday Morning conversation around two quotes: 1. Equity is about reducing the predictability of who succeeds and who fails. and 2. The neighborhood gave up on me so I gave up on myself.  The We Got This Garden was mentioned a couple of times and is linked here. ...
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53206 logo

53206 Cast – Episode 19: Using Design Thinking To Curb The Effects Of Systemic Racism

  Meg and Alex are back in the sitting room to talk about the design thinking process and how to take all of the information learned while empathizing with our neighbors and use it to begin to define one of many problems that exist in 53206 – educational outcomes. Show Notes: Measuring Success – Riding...
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53206 Podcast

53206 Cast – Episode 18: Whatever Happened To Predictability

Meg and Alex are back and talking about some of positive aspects of living in a place that can be highly unpredictable.
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53206 Podcast

53206 Cast – Episode 17: A Gallon Of Mouse Turds

Meg and Alex talk about the eye opening and heart breaking experience of walking through their first rental property. iTunes link:
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53206 Podcast

53206 Cast – Episode 16: Travel Advice For Your Next Trip To The Inner City

Meg and Alex share some tips and tricks for your next visit to the inner city. iTunes link:
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53206 Podcast

53206 Cast – Episode 15: Gentrify This

Meg and Alex are back in the sitting room talking about the only negative pushback they have ever gotten about living in the inner city. Gentrification is a big concern in urban planning circles and the duo has some thoughts about the potential for gentrifying the 53206 zip code. iTunes link:
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53206 Podcast

53206 Cast – Episode 14: Our Car Got Stolen

Meg and Alex share some big news about Ms. Maggie’s house and give another example of why life is more exciting if you have an alley. iTunes link:
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Who’s Responsibility is it?

Are some neighborhoods designed to fail the people that live in them?  My neighborhood produces many excellent people but it also produces a lot of people the world would call failures.  People who are in jail, people who don’t graduate high school, people who don’t make above the poverty threshold.  Who’s responsibility is it that...
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53206 Podcast

53206 Cast – Episode 13: Aren’t You Afraid Of Getting Shot – Part 3

Meg and Alex finish up their three part series on potential responses to the notion that they live in a bad neighborhood. In the conclusion the two talk about “bad” as wrong or not right and that maybe the bad actually means injustice is being perpetuated. iTunes link:
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53206 Podcast

53206 Cast – Episode 12: Aren’t You Afraid Of Getting Shot – Part 2

  Historically, 53206 has gotten a bit of a bad rap. In part 1, Meg and Alex talked about how their neighborhood not only isn’t that bad, but actually really great. That was the first of three rebuttals the two have to offer when someone thinks of where they live as a bad neighborhood. In...
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53206 Podcast

53206 Cast – Episode 11: Aren’t You Afraid Of Getting Shot – Part 1

Meg and Alex talk about about the first of three rebuttals to someone thinking their neighborhood is “bad” – defending it. 53206 doesn’t have a lot of cheerleaders and the two have a conversation around what they have seen and why their neighborhood not only isn’t bad, but is actually really good. iTunes link:
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8th Street Milwaukee

Driving Fast

Yesterday, I was driving down Fond du Lac Ave and a car passed me going really fast.  I watched the car swerve around cars right and to the left then all of a sudden it had to swerve around something and ended up driving over the median, did a u-turn (luckily not rolling or hitting...
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53206 Podcast

53206 Cast – Episode 10: A Cry For Help

When we are around someone doing something wild or dangerous, a typical response is to be angry or afraid. Meg and Alex talk about crazy driving in the inner city of Milwaukee and offer another way of looking it – as a cry for help. iTunes link:
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53206 Podcast

53206 Cast – Episode 9: Talking To A 9 Year Old About Police Brutality

  Meg and Alex talk about some of the conversations they have had with their 7 and 9 year old children. Disclaimer: This isn’t a how to talk to your kids about police brutality podcast. It’s more of a what did we talk to our kids about police brutality podcast.
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The Re-Education of Alex Bruzan – Episode 10: 10 Observations From Week One Of Virtual School

My kids go to one of the Milwaukee Public Schools that is on the early start calendar. That means they will have been in school three full weeks before the school district I work for starts virtual learning. I don’t typically like the idea of my kids being guinea pigs, but since they are starting...
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53206 Podcast

53206 Cast – Episode 8: The Wheel Fell Off

A rather unfortunate automotive predicament leads Alex and Meg into a discussion on how the same situation can be an inconvenience for one person and a life changing event for another.
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broken car

Can a Broken Wheel be Life Changing?

Our car broke this weekend.  The wheel was bent in a crazy direction and it reminded me of  seeing this same thing on 8th Street to many cars that just happened to be driving by and hit an unfortunate bump in the road. Many of those cars were stranded for hours, with kids just sitting...
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53206 Podcast

53206 Cast – Episode 7: Why Do You Live There

Over spring break in 2006 Meg and Alex went on a trip with 30 of their closest friends to Mississippi to gut houses and learn about what life is like in the inner city of Jackson. Little did they know that would be the catalyst for their decision to move into the 53206 zip code...
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53206 Cast – Episode 6: How Will They Learn?

Meg and Alex give an update on how virtual school is going for their kids in Milwaukee Public Schools and talk about how/why some of the people from the neighborhood won’t be able to engage with learning in at the same level as their own kids.
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Virtual Learning

Virtual Learning

We started our the school year yesterday virtually.  It was a tough day, our kids definitely had their ups and downs but Alex and I work from home and have a lot of flexibility in our day.  I don’t worry about our kids getting a good education because I know we can put in place...
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Black Lives Matter


I looked out my window to see a group of protestors on the bridge across from our house today.   I felt a little sad when I realized that the protesters weren’t out there for Black Lives Matter (they were protesting abortion).  I don’t want to discuss their protest, that isn’t the point here.  I...
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53206 Podcast

53206 Cast – Episode 5: A Missed Opportunity

Alex and Meg talk about a protest taking place over the highway and a potential missed opportunity for the protesters who, on the surface, seemed to be at odds with the two but really wanted a lot of the same things.
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It’s Probably Not Their Fault

I love living in our neighborhood, because there is always something new to learn. Yesterday, Meg found out some background information on someone we have known for years. Obviously being super vague on purpose, but it totally reframed why the person is the way that they are. The information changed at least my mindset but...
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We got this garden on 9th and Ring

The Re-Education of Alex Bruzan – Episode 9: Trash in the Alley

It’s a little after 4:30 in the morning and I am settled in to my chair to write something. That’s not so abnormal. I’ll get up early and write pretty regularly lately. This is the 9th one of these longer form pieces that I have put together over the last week and a half or...
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53206 Podcast

53206 Cast – Episode 3: Virtual Inequities

Meg asks Alex, an experienced educator, about some things parents can do to ensure their child receives a high quality education during virtual learning and the two talk about how virtual learning can inadvertently create further inequities in education. Plus the two share some signs of change – positive things from our inner city neighborhood.
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The Re-Education of Alex Bruzan – Episode 8: Watching the Bucks Game

I am sure there is bound to be a lot of work done in the very near future around equity and the promotion of equity. Our organization has been spending a portion of the summer working reading, talking, and reflecting in small groups around how to best promote equity. We know that it starts with...
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Boys in Milwaukee

The Re-Education of Alex Bruzan – Episode 7: Measuring Success Differently

In a round about way it is roughly ten miles from one of the poorest neighborhoods in Metro Milwaukee to one of the wealthiest. I didn’t intend on doing this, but recently I rode from my house on the edge of Milwaukee’s 53206 zip code to the lakefront in Fox Point. I was trying to...
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Taking a Break from Poverty

Living in the inner city is hard sometimes. I see and feel the weight of oppression that many have to deal with here.  I want things to be easy for my neighbors but I know they’re not.  Yesterday, I heard 6 firetrucks responding to homes around me and I smelled smoke from my house.  I...
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8th Street Milwaukee

Sleeping in Cars

In the car this morning Dex asked me if it was legal for someone to sleep in their cars.  I told him I was not totally sure but I thought it was illegal.  I then I went on to tell him a few months ago we had someone in front of our house that slept...
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9th and Ring St. Milwaukee

The Re-Education of Alex Bruzan – Episode 6: Opting In or Opting Out

Action, attitude, atmosphere. Those three word put in that order are not an original thought. I think I first heard about them from a guy named Rob Bell and while he can explain the context in which you would want to think about these three terms much more eloquently that I can, I don’t have...
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The Re-Education of Alex Bruzan – Episode 5: Interviewing 1,000 Failures

What does it mean to fail in the real world? I only came close to failing one class throughout my 20-ish years in school. I was newly married and working full time and, honestly, found whatever else I was doing with my time a lot more interesting. This particular class was some high level math...
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The Re-Education of Alex Bruzan – Episode 4: Power and Compliance

I just started my third rental renovation. After finishing most of the renovations on our house, which included pretty much everything from moving a kitchen from the north end to the sound, rerouting the staircase, removing multiple walls, residing the outside, putting a new roof on it, and adding a three car garage out back,...
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Alley in 53206

50 Years

We have many neighbors that have liven on 8th Street for decades and it is always sad when they leave.  Recently, a neighbor of ours lived who lived her home for over 50 years recently got sick and moved into elder care.  Her family helped her decide that the home should go up for sale...
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Black Lives Matter mural on MLK in Milwaukee

Yes, Black Lives Matter

I was down at the lakefront yesterday and I saw a Black man wearing a Black Lives Matter shirt.  I really wanted to go up to him and say, “Yes, Black lives do matter.”  It made me think of why someone needs to wear a shirt saying their life matters.  It seems so backwards that...
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The Re-Education of Alex Bruzan Episode 3: What’s The Use

Yeah, that’s a Phish reference. Most people’s knowledge of Phish is that it’s some weird hippy thing. Did you know there are still hippies around? I see them at Phish shows. We call them wooks now because by the end of the tour after following the band around for weeks you end up looking kind...
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The Re-Education of Alex Bruzan Episode 2: A Crappy Story About Access

Oh man, I hope I don’t dump a bunch of episodes worth of content into the second one and leave nothing to talk about. I already started two more longer posts, but was getting stuck on them, partially because they all had to do with access. A conversation on access doesn’t make a ton of...
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The Re-Education of Alex Bruzan Episode 1: The Story We Find Ourselves In

It’s odd to me that every time I sit down to write a blog post, for WAWM or my own site (Can even plug that here? Seriously, I don’t know the rules about that. I guess I could email someone and ask, but how do I even start that conversation), that I feel the...
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Meg and Dex

Good and Bad Areas of Milwaukee

Dex and I biked to a coffee shop last night that is about a mile away.  We were stopped at the traffic light on Holton St.  I told him this street is one of the dividers of the good and bad area of Milwaukee, he tuned to me and said, the white and the black...
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6 Anti-Karen Attitudes for The Next Time You Want to Get a Pizza

14 years of living in the inner city does something to you. What it does depends on who you were before you lived there, whether you felt like you had a choice in living there, and how much access you had during your time living there. We chose to live here. We have enough access...
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Me and Mae

Who We Gravitate To

As I dropped my kids off at camp this morning, I asked them if they are trying to find friends at camp that don’t look like them.  My daughter, who can be a little smart a– said, “Mom, everyone looks different from me.” So, I went full into giving them a lecture on how people...
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Racial Profiling

I have known Andre since he moved into our neighborhood 7 years ago. Andre is the most welcoming person I know.  He invites people with his smile and energy into his circle no matter what.  Andre runs the We Got This garden and you will find him in the garden most days helping people.  ...
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Home that was burnt down

House Fire

I went by a house on my street that burnt down last night.  I stopped to see if everyone was OK and the man who owned the home started telling me his story.  He said everyone was fine thanks to his dog who barked to wake him up.  When I asked if he had insurance...
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Alley in 53206

Refusing to Participate in Segregation – 30 Second Version

I have this really cool opportunity to spend some time tomorrow workshopping our message with Rob Bell. I’ve been a fan of his for years and he is offering, for a fee, small group sessions where you spend time working on your communications. In order to maximize the time, Meg and I have been working...
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Charlie's pear tree


This is Charlie’s pear tree. Charlie was the neighbor outside cutting his front grass with a scissors so it was perfect.  He was the type of person when I walked by, that would invite me into his backyard to show me a new plant or how the pears were doing on his tree.  He was such...
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Alley in 53206

Refusing to Participate in Segregation – 2 Minute Version

Segregation is the most commonly accepted and perpetuated form of racism that still exists in America. As an upper middle class white person living in 53206, the poorest zip code in Wisconsin, which happens to be 0.8% white, for the last 14 years, my family and I have witnessed the effects of people repeatedly separating...
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Rainbow on 8th St.

Best Suburbs for Raising a Family

While I was suppose to be working working today, I was looking at MSN and an article caught my attention: America’s best suburbs for growing families. I feel that articles like these are perpetuating racism whether we know it or not.  I would bet most of these cities on the list have little diversity and...
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Something I Wrote In January

I wrote this in January 2020 with no hope that anyone would ever interact with it in a positive, reflective way. In July 2020 I have renewed hope that at some point in the future enough people will hear this message and buy into the idea that we all participate in segregation without even thinking...
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A Quick Synopsis of the Book White Fragility and Where It Fits In the Story Arc of Racial Reconciliation

I just wrapped up listening to the audio book version of White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo. The book is her attempt to define the term white fragility. In a rough paraphrase, white fragility is the concept or response that white people often have to their discomfort when talking about race or receiving feedback that they...
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A Work In Progress

“A racist policy is any measure that produces or sustains racial inequity between racial groups. An antiracist policy is any measure that produces or sustains racial equity between racial groups. By policy, I mean written and unwritten laws, rules, procedures, processes, regulations, and guidelines that govern people.” The above is an excerpt from the book...
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House with trash

Their Lives are Dispensable

I am reading the book, When They Call You a Terrorist, written by the founder of Black Lives Matter and she keeps coming back to this main point of people feeling that their lives lives are dispensable.  The definition of dispensable: able to be replaced or done without.  She said she first started feeling that her...
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Episode 3 – Jackson

In August 2005 I quit the diner to work at the church. I had been attending and volunteering for a few years at that point and it seemed like a natural move to make at the time. When you have the mindset that what you do matters and that everyone has value, working at a...
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Not Sure What I Expected

It’s 7:00pm on the fourth of July and I just finished my run. I started from my house and did the 3 mile version of my run down to the Fiserv Forum. That means I just stop about half a mile before I get there and turn around and go home. I wasn’t in a...
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1/4 of Stick of Dynamite

I was on a run yesterday and heard a huge explosion on 9th St and saw a ton of smoke.  I thought a house or car exploded.  I went over and saw a neighbor outside and asked him about it.  He said it was 1/4 of a stick of dynamite.  He went on to say...
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Equity Through Education

This if my first ever crossposted blog post. The motivation to start moving on writing our own blog came from working on blog posts for my job as a school leader. We talk a lot about equity through deeper learning, but I don’t have a words to describe what that actually means. There are three...
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What’s Normal

Meg and I are training for a triathlon. It’s a big one and it’s coming up quick. I don’t think I’m going to have any issues with the run. I run about 4 miles a day already so going 13 isn’t a big deal. I’m getting faster on the bike and putting in miles regularly...
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16 Year Old Found Dead

A 16 year old was found shot dead on my block last night.  I don’t usually let people know about this type of thing as I don’t like to share bad news about my neighborhood as it has enough bad connotations.  But I feel during the Black Lives Matter movement, now is a time that...
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Safety and Living in the Inner City

I’ve written before about the confused looks on people’s faces when I tell them where we live. Usually I have to physically describe the location in order for someone that lives in Milwaukee to totally get it. Once it sinks in, if the conversation hasn’t ended immediately (which happens more often than not) I am...
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Dex playing in our backyard

Are your kids safe?

The other day I asked my kids if they feel safe in our neighborhood. My daughter said, “Yes, I feel safe except when I hear about a murder that happens on our block.” We didn’t always tell our kids about these situations, they are kinda oblivious to any violence. When we saw a bunch of...
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2 Runs (Another Post About Fear)

We just got back from vacation. I would rather get up early than get home late. The only problem with that is it means if we want to leave at 5:00 am I have to get up at 4:00, or even earlier, to go for a run, which is what I did the day we...
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Episode 2 – George Webb – Everyone Has Value

Some of the strangest people you will ever meet show up at diners in the middle of the night, especially cheap diners. Also, some of the drunkest people you will ever meet show up at diners in the middle of the night. I worked 3rd shift at one of these diners for three years in...
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Another Safety Post

Someone asked me about the safety of my neighborhood recently. I think I should probably write about this a couple of times since safety is the standard concern of most people I tell that we live in the inner city. I think it is going to have to be a couple of parts because I...
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Black Lives Matter mural on MLK in Milwaukee

Do you feel safe?

One of the questions I’m asked about living in the inner city is if I feel safe. I don’t like this question. It makes me think of my 90 year old neighbor and if it’s ok if she lives in a place that’s not considered safe. Or of my neighbor that’s a single mom of...
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Charlie's pear tree

The Secret Garden

Most mornings, while walking my dog, I would pass by Charlie’s house. He would invite me into his backyard to let me see his pears growing on the tree or a new flower he just planted. He loved his yard and I loved seeing his passion for it. I always thought his backyard was like...
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What Are We Trying To Do With This?

Meg and I have been spending big chunks of time, multiple hours in a row, talking about our vision for what our experiences living in the inner city will tangibly produce, particularly in this space, I came across something in a book on communication I was reading this morning that helped me think a...
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We got this garden on 9th and Ring

Using My White Privilege

I clearly remember the first time I knew I was using my white privilege. It was summertime and the community garden program just let out. There were usually 50 boys who worked in the morning and got $20 for their efforts, leaving happily across the bridge and around my block. I loved going outside to...
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Alley in 53206

A New Thing Happened

Alright, so something new happened to me today. I was on a Zoom call and someone said they were rethinking where they lived, because of racial inequity. They were thinking of moving out of their neighborhood into one that as more diverse. That’s a new thing. I might have heard someone say that before and...
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Last night Alex asked me if I would have rather been a web developer for Google or be self employed and live where we live now. I thought about it for a bit and thought about all of the relationships I’ve made with people on my block. I thought of the true beauty of sitting...
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There is a feeling I have that I don’t know how to describe. Now that we are one month out from George Floyd’s murder, I think it might be safe to say “this thing is going to stick”. It seams to me that the general, American consciousness has been woken up to the idea that...
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I recently found out that my daughter was saying unkind things to one of her friends. I was embarrassed that she didn’t know better but started talking to Mae about the situation. I try to be a good parent and realize that I’m only a good parent when I’m around my kids and present. I...
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I Don’t Have a Title for This Thought

We recently spent our first couple of nights away from home since last summer. We usually try and sneak a weekend away or go on spring break, but that didn’t happen this year. That means basically every night in the last 9 months we went to sleep in the inner city of Milwaukee. A lot...
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Charlie's pear tree

Charlie’s House

I have the privilege of starting work on Charlies house. I did a little work already, tearing down drop ceilings and starting to empty leftover furniture and random things left in the house. I was anxious to start the project but cautions, because I wanted to make sure I captured the story of Charlie and...
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2 Miles

I had a running injury a few weeks ago so this was the first I started running again. Today I was running in a different are than usual so I couldn’t keep track of my mileage as I usually can. It was a hard run, like really hard and I got done and thought I...
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Equitable Systems

I’m in one of those tight spots where I don’t have a ton of time to write something out. I’m in that spot for a couple of reasons, the main one is that I spent three hours on a Zoom call talking about equity in schools. It was time really well spent and I’m glad...
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Not everyone has a choice where to live

One if the reasons we live in the inner city is because of the trips we led to Jackson, MS. They were the first to show us a way of racial reconciliation that really resonated with Alex and I. We would go down there and gut/revamp houses and learn from community members about living in...
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Fireworks Again

This is a follow up from the post called Fireworks. You might want to read that one first, but if you don’t want to, that’s ok too. We really do have a lot to talk about. Living here means we never run out of things to ponder and reflect on. Meg and I can always...
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The Word We Don’t Say

I was in the car this morning with my kids and there was a segment about a person who yelled the N word to a group of black people.  Mae likes to listen to the radio so I thought we should talk about this word.  I didn’t ever say the word aloud but told them...
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It’s crazy how easy it is to find things to write about. We just have to pay attention to what is going on around us and even then all we have to do is be here because its impossible not to pay attention. Last night I was lighting the grill. We don’t have anything fancy,...
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Boys in Milwaukee

What Options do Youth Have

Last night there was a bunch of boys (ages around 12-14ish) that were hanging out in my neighbors yard.  I hadn’t seen them so I asked what they were up to.  They said nothing and got up and kept walking.  It struck me that they really have nothing to do in the inner city.  It...
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Black Lives Matter mural on MLK in Milwaukee

What is Juneteenth?

I didn’t know what Juneteenth was until I moved into my neighborhood.  I didn’t have any idea that the holiday existed for the first 25 years of my life.  We moved into our home on 8th Street in May and I clearly remember that Juneteenth back in 2006.  There was parade that surrounded our neighborhood...
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I’ve Never Seen This Before

Disclaimer: Keep in mind that myself and my family are white and live in an all black neighborhood. In many ways, even to this day, we are still learning about what it means to be white or black or rich or poor. My hope is that any confessions of my ignorance are in some small...
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Running shoes

Running in the Ghetto

Committing to write a blog post (or some other similar content) a day means that you actually have to do it. The circumstances of my day, and the fact that we are getting ready to go on vacation means that I probably should have had something written yesterday, so I could post it today. That...
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Four Pancake

4 Years Ago

I just finished Alicia Keys book, More Myself and I keep being struck at how similar what she is talking about sounds to the current tension going on in the US.  She talked about an article she helped go viral about 23 ways a Black person can get killed, which was written in 2016.  2016 was 4...
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Minecraft guy

What Dex and I Playing Minecraft Dungeons Taught Me About Racial Reconciliation

When we are thinking about moving toward a more equitable society, we should consider ease access to leveling up. You can read more about the idea here. I was talking to my friend Alan yesterday about a bunch of things that we both agreed with, but hadn’t talked much about ever. We talked about the...
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Run down home

Less Valuable

I was on a walk yesterday and I noticed a woman weeding her yard right next to the alley.  To be honest, I have a fairly nice yard and I don’t always care about the weeds by the alley so I was impressed by her immaculate clean yard.  The home had anything a house in Tosa...
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How We Talk About Racial Reconciliation aka I’m Trying Not to be a Whiny Bitch

Most ideas that end up being written about on here come from Meg and I sitting in our chairs our out by the fire after the kids have gone up to bed. Usually there are four or five powerful ideas that we talk about. When one of us says something interesting or unique, the other...
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On a walk around our block yesterday, Mae asked me why there are loafs of bread hanging on the fence on 9th Street.  I told her it’s because some people who live around here don’t have enough food to eat so people drop off donations.  She knew the bread wasn’t for us and scootered off....
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The Financial Benefits of Living in the Inner City

At the end of today, we will be halfway done with June. Meg and I made it a priority to write or produce some type of content every day during the month of June. We needed to jumpstart our blog site and this seemed like one way to accomplish that. 15 days in and we...
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House with trash

Sometimes it is Hard

I have loved living in the innercity and haven’t thought realistically about moving out of 53206 in the last 10 years.  I love my neighbors.  I love seeing how our neighborhood has improved.  I love our community garden and orchards.  But sometimes it is hard.  Hearing police sirens and wondering how close they are is...
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Planting a Garden

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of helping Jabria plant her first garden. One of my passions is teaching kids about gardening. The first reason is because kids will try any veggie from the garden which expands what they like. The second is that we live in a food desert which means people in the 53206...
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3 Thoughts About Something My Sister Wrote on Facebook

As of June 14, 2020, my sister Ashley might be the only person that reads anything we post on this site. For now, I’m ok with that. We’re still figuring out what our message is or what we are actually trying to accomplish by writing something every day. We’ll get there eventually. In the mean...
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Scrappers Gunna Scrap

If you live in a city, you have seen these guys. Here are a couple quick thoughts on scrapping. 
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The other night we went up north camping. It was really nice to get out of the city and be in nature. The stars were incredible at night. My kids were able to run and bike around freely (which they can’t do in our neighborhood) and there was a sense of ease that we all...
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I want to buy a Jeep but my neighbor’s kids don’t have beds

Ok, so this is going to probably be one of those posts that I have to come back to later. Because of that, I am going to keep it simple to start. Maybe I’ll just lay out the situation. Big decisions are never easy for me. I guess they aren’t for any one. For some...
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Reading More Black Authors

Over the past months I have made an effort to read more Black authors.  It started with Ta-Nehisi Coates new book, The Water Dancer then Trever Noah’s book, Born a Crime and I just finished Alicia Keys book, More of Myself.  I have enjoyed reading each of these books and learning from them.  I think being...
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Is Everything Ok?

It took about 10 seconds to find an article depicting some of the negative characteristics of my zip code. Below is an excerpt from the article linked above. In red are a couple of comments about the statistics mentioned. — Here are five fast facts about 53206: 1. A 2013 University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee study found it...
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Milwaukee George Floyd Mural

Flowers not Trash

We went by the new mural on Holton to memorialize George Floyd yesterday. We stopped and talked about why it was done. It is a beautiful mural and I would encourage you to go and see it. I was struck by Dex saying someone put down flowers and not trash. I was struck by that...
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Peach tree

Peach Tree

I have found such joy planting things and especially having my kids be able to eat things in my yard.  When we bought our rental, I told myself we would also grow food in those backyards too.  Most people who live in the inner-city live in a food desert, which means that a grocery store...
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Redefining White Privilege – Part 5 or 2

I struggled to write the last blog post. It was easy to write part three, but part 4 didn’t seem natural. I wanted to put empathy first, but I couldn’t figure out how to write about it. Then it hit me after I finished writing Part 4. There are two types of empathy, at least...
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Two Parallel Pathways

Last night we ran into one of our old neighbors.  We have known her family for the entire time we lived in our home (14 years) so I have known this woman since she was in middle school and have seen her grow up.  She got pregnant when she was 20 years old and while...
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Red Traffic Light

Redefining White Privilege – Part 4

It’s natural to dislike things we don’t understand and it is easy to not understand people that are different than us. It can be difficult to develop an appreciation for different cultures. In the same way, it can be difficult to develop an appreciation for different socio economic groups. If you live in a suburb...
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Be kind chalk

Being Nice

The other day, I was speaking to Mae about hanging out with kids in the neighborhood.  I told her if I ever say anything that she feels is racist or insensitive to the kids, I would like her to point it out to me.  While I was telling her this, she said, “but mom you...
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Redefining White Privilege – Part 3

A friend of mine, who is a big Bucks fan, suggested we go down to the protest that was starting at the Fiserv Forum earlier yesterday. I had a bunch of stuff on a list of things to do which would normally mean I would make up a reason not to go. I offered to...
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Redefining White Privilege – Part 2

For the first time since maybe World War 2, the country and much of the planet has had to work together. In coordinating efforts to combat the impacts of the Coronavirus, leaders in the field of virology emerged quickly to help guide our thoughts and actions. Governors and mayors took the advice of infectious disease...
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How are they going to make sure that no one else gets killed?

Mae (our 9 year old daughter) and I were on a 3 hour car ride yesterday. We started out listening to a kids podcast on Injustice and Anger. We kept stopping it at points and had all sorts of really great conversations. We talked about how Travon Martin and Ahmaud Arbery were murdered.  She thought...
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Redefining White Privilege – Part 1

There was a picture of a white women in her twenties holding up a sign that said “use your white privilege to disrupt the system”. The woman was protesting in an affluent almost all white suburb of Milwaukee. Normally that would have annoyed me. I’ve been aware of the term white privilege for at least...
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Gas Light

Feeling Safe

I’m was my way to get groceries when I realize I was almost out of gas. This isn’t something that happens to me regularly, I usually keep an eye on my gas tank. But I was a few miles from my home and wondering if I could make it to the grocery store or not....
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Thoughts from a 9 year old

While sitting and eating ice cream on the patio we asked my 9 year old daughter what she liked about living in our neighborhood. Here are a couple of her thoughts: She likes our back yard and our fruit trees. She likes that we have a community garden a few houses down. She liked that...
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Mae, 9 year old

3 Nine Year Olds

We have 3 nine year old girls on our block.  My daughter Mae is one of them.  I have a hard time letting her out of my sight in our neighborhood.  I have let my kids ride their bikes around the block just few times but for the majority of the time, I am with...
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Slow Car

The Segregation Spiral

I believe there are two main drivers of segregation. The first is racism, which is what separated all of us in the first place. I don’t like you because of how you look and because I don’t like how you look, I am going to use what I have to move myself physically from the...
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Mae at Fondy Farmers Market

Will White People Still Be in the Hood in a Month?

When the pandemic started, I thought I am going to be the best freaking home schooler mom ever.  I also run a small business so not sure where I thought I would have time to do this.  But in the beginning I gathered all the resources, information, kid webinars and had these amazing schedules printed...
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A Boiling Pot

The shooting off of fireworks in my neighborhood isn’t something new. The week before and the week after the fourth of July it gets pretty loud. That isn’t to say that fireworks are not shot off at other times of the year. If they are, it is probably literally a handful of them brought out...
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Meg running

Are you being chased?

To date I have seen about 3 people running in my neighborhood.  To be honest, I always thought that people in my neighborhood just didn’t run.  They went to the gym or played basketball but running wasn’t something people in my neighborhood liked.  It is so odd to see someone running in my neighborhood, that...
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Homes on 8th St

How We Show Something Matters

How do we show that something matters. When the Black Lives Matter movement started, I remember thinking it was a little basic. I mean all you want is recognition that your life matters? It seemed like such a low bar to shoot for. I have a hard time seeing how not wanting to be killed...
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Mae reading

How do we fight Systemic Racism?

My daughter loves knowledge. She seeks out knowledge as if her life depends on it. I hate reading books with her because she will stop and go look up things to make sure she understands every little thing in the book. It is exhausting. But if we want to learn how something got to be...
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Dex with his nerf gun

My son and his nerf gun

I hate guns. I hate guns so much that up until the age of 4, my son called a gun a “pewer” (like pew, pew pew). I didn’t want to talk about guns and didn’t allow them in the house. But when he started using sticks and rocks and anything he could find to shoot...
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Traffic off 8th st

Traffic Jam

I didn’t get a chance to watch the news or check the Journal Sentinel online much during the start of the weekend. My dad and I spent most of Friday and Saturday working on fixing the exhaust on my truck and the sewer drainage problem we were having with our house. The house is about...
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The Real Reason to be Angry over George Floyd’s Death

I am not just angry over George Floyd’s death, these types of injustices have been happening all over the US for years. White people are now realizing this is happening to people of color and that should be the outrage. The outrage should be that we are now “seeing” this, that we now feel uncomfortable....
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Police surrounding 9th and Ring

Come out of your home. You are under arrest.

Last night there was a standoff on 9th and Ring. Alex and I were out enjoying music by the fire pit in our backyard when we started hearing police yell, “Residents of 3260 N. 9th St. come out of your home. You are under arrest.” We were startled at first because we had no idea...
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What are the blue trash cans for?

I never heard someone actually ask that. But, that might be because up until a few years ago our house was the only one on the block that had any recycling carts. The city provides them if you order them through the Department of Neighborhood Services for free. If you don’t tell them that you...
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How Did I Get Here?

In 2006 we were stupid kids. We bought a house we couldn’t afford. I was 22 and my wife, Meg, was 24. I hadn’t graduated college yet. Meg had, but hadn’t found much in terms of a career. We were both working as interns at a church outside of Milwaukee and increasing in restlessness as...
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Rainbow on 8th St.

1000 Words on What It’s Like to Live in the Inner City

It’s not that bad.  Great, four words down and only 996 more to go. I think about how I should describe where we live a lot. I have the unique perspective of having lived in a suburb of Chicago for half of my life and the inner city of Milwaukee for the other half. My...
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Episode 4 – Big or Old?

Within three months of taking that trip to Jackson we moved into our house on Milwaukee’s northside. For some reason our lease in the first apartment we rented was only seven months long, which meant that even though we moved in to the place in January we were able to move near the start of...
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Kid walking dog

Where do you live?

There was a long time where I skirted around the questions where do you live. Because of this, I can kind of tell now when someone is going to bring it up. We will be chatting about some restaurant or a place on the east side that we both go to and the person I...
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Kids Trick or Treating

Trick or Treating

When we first moved into our house, I remember being so excited for trick or treating.  We didn’t have kids at that point so I thought, I will be the house that hands out the “good” candy, not Tootsie Rolls and Smarties. I bought a few bags of candy and we had 3 trick or...
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Downtown Milwaukee


I am really into reading on Reddit and by really into it I mean reading posts about Phish and Milwaukee. I should really branch out into something else, but never really do. While on vacation last week I saw about post asking for people’s feedback on what they love and hate about Milwaukee.  (  At...
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