
It’s crazy how easy it is to find things to write about. We just have to pay attention to what is going on around us and even then all we have to do is be here because its impossible not to pay attention. Last night I was lighting the grill. We don’t have anything fancy,...
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On a walk around our block yesterday, Mae asked me why there are loafs of bread hanging on the fence on 9th Street.  I told her it’s because some people who live around here don’t have enough food to eat so people drop off donations.  She knew the bread wasn’t for us and scootered off....
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The other night we went up north camping. It was really nice to get out of the city and be in nature. The stars were incredible at night. My kids were able to run and bike around freely (which they can’t do in our neighborhood) and there was a sense of ease that we all...
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Last night we ran into one of our old neighbors.  We have known her family for the entire time we lived in our home (14 years) so I have known this woman since she was in middle school and have seen her grow up.  She got pregnant when she was 20 years old and while...
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Red Traffic Light
It’s natural to dislike things we don’t understand and it is easy to not understand people that are different than us. It can be difficult to develop an appreciation for different cultures. In the same way, it can be difficult to develop an appreciation for different socio economic groups. If you live in a suburb...
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Slow Car
I believe there are two main drivers of segregation. The first is racism, which is what separated all of us in the first place. I don’t like you because of how you look and because I don’t like how you look, I am going to use what I have to move myself physically from the...
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The shooting off of fireworks in my neighborhood isn’t something new. The week before and the week after the fourth of July it gets pretty loud. That isn’t to say that fireworks are not shot off at other times of the year. If they are, it is probably literally a handful of them brought out...
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I am not just angry over George Floyd’s death, these types of injustices have been happening all over the US for years. White people are now realizing this is happening to people of color and that should be the outrage. The outrage should be that we are now “seeing” this, that we now feel uncomfortable....
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I never heard someone actually ask that. But, that might be because up until a few years ago our house was the only one on the block that had any recycling carts. The city provides them if you order them through the Department of Neighborhood Services for free. If you don’t tell them that you...
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Kids Trick or Treating
When we first moved into our house, I remember being so excited for trick or treating.  We didn’t have kids at that point so I thought, I will be the house that hands out the “good” candy, not Tootsie Rolls and Smarties. I bought a few bags of candy and we had 3 trick or...
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