
Meg and I are training for a triathlon. It’s a big one and it’s coming up quick. I don’t think I’m going to have any issues with the run. I run about 4 miles a day already so going 13 isn’t a big deal. I’m getting faster on the bike and putting in miles regularly...
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A 16 year old was found shot dead on my block last night.  I don’t usually let people know about this type of thing as I don’t like to share bad news about my neighborhood as it has enough bad connotations.  But I feel during the Black Lives Matter movement, now is a time that...
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I’ve written before about the confused looks on people’s faces when I tell them where we live. Usually I have to physically describe the location in order for someone that lives in Milwaukee to totally get it. Once it sinks in, if the conversation hasn’t ended immediately (which happens more often than not) I am...
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Dex playing in our backyard
The other day I asked my kids if they feel safe in our neighborhood. My daughter said, “Yes, I feel safe except when I hear about a murder that happens on our block.” We didn’t always tell our kids about these situations, they are kinda oblivious to any violence. When we saw a bunch of...
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Black Lives Matter mural on MLK in Milwaukee
One of the questions I’m asked about living in the inner city is if I feel safe. I don’t like this question. It makes me think of my 90 year old neighbor and if it’s ok if she lives in a place that’s not considered safe. Or of my neighbor that’s a single mom of...
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Charlie's pear tree
Most mornings, while walking my dog, I would pass by Charlie’s house. He would invite me into his backyard to let me see his pears growing on the tree or a new flower he just planted. He loved his yard and I loved seeing his passion for it. I always thought his backyard was like...
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We got this garden on 9th and Ring
I clearly remember the first time I knew I was using my white privilege. It was summertime and the community garden program just let out. There were usually 50 boys who worked in the morning and got $20 for their efforts, leaving happily across the bridge and around my block. I loved going outside to...
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Last night Alex asked me if I would have rather been a web developer for Google or be self employed and live where we live now. I thought about it for a bit and thought about all of the relationships I’ve made with people on my block. I thought of the true beauty of sitting...
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I recently found out that my daughter was saying unkind things to one of her friends. I was embarrassed that she didn’t know better but started talking to Mae about the situation. I try to be a good parent and realize that I’m only a good parent when I’m around my kids and present. I...
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Charlie's pear tree
I have the privilege of starting work on Charlies house. I did a little work already, tearing down drop ceilings and starting to empty leftover furniture and random things left in the house. I was anxious to start the project but cautions, because I wanted to make sure I captured the story of Charlie and...
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