
Mae reading
My daughter loves knowledge. She seeks out knowledge as if her life depends on it. I hate reading books with her because she will stop and go look up things to make sure she understands every little thing in the book. It is exhausting. But if we want to learn how something got to be...
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Dex with his nerf gun
I hate guns. I hate guns so much that up until the age of 4, my son called a gun a “pewer” (like pew, pew pew). I didn’t want to talk about guns and didn’t allow them in the house. But when he started using sticks and rocks and anything he could find to shoot...
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I am not just angry over George Floyd’s death, these types of injustices have been happening all over the US for years. White people are now realizing this is happening to people of color and that should be the outrage. The outrage should be that we are now “seeing” this, that we now feel uncomfortable....
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Police surrounding 9th and Ring
Last night there was a standoff on 9th and Ring. Alex and I were out enjoying music by the fire pit in our backyard when we started hearing police yell, “Residents of 3260 N. 9th St. come out of your home. You are under arrest.” We were startled at first because we had no idea...
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I never heard someone actually ask that. But, that might be because up until a few years ago our house was the only one on the block that had any recycling carts. The city provides them if you order them through the Department of Neighborhood Services for free. If you don’t tell them that you...
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In 2006 we were stupid kids. We bought a house we couldn’t afford. I was 22 and my wife, Meg, was 24. I hadn’t graduated college yet. Meg had, but hadn’t found much in terms of a career. We were both working as interns at a church outside of Milwaukee and increasing in restlessness as...
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Rainbow on 8th St.
It’s not that bad.  Great, four words down and only 996 more to go. I think about how I should describe where we live a lot. I have the unique perspective of having lived in a suburb of Chicago for half of my life and the inner city of Milwaukee for the other half. My...
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Kid walking dog
There was a long time where I skirted around the questions where do you live. Because of this, I can kind of tell now when someone is going to bring it up. We will be chatting about some restaurant or a place on the east side that we both go to and the person I...
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Kids Trick or Treating
When we first moved into our house, I remember being so excited for trick or treating.  We didn’t have kids at that point so I thought, I will be the house that hands out the “good” candy, not Tootsie Rolls and Smarties. I bought a few bags of candy and we had 3 trick or...
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Downtown Milwaukee
I am really into reading on Reddit and by really into it I mean reading posts about Phish and Milwaukee. I should really branch out into something else, but never really do. While on vacation last week I saw about post asking for people’s feedback on what they love and hate about Milwaukee.  (  At...
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