Some of the strangest people you will ever meet show up at diners in the middle of the night, especially cheap diners. Also, some of the drunkest people you will ever meet show up at diners in the middle of the night. I worked 3rd shift at one of these diners for three years in...Read More
Someone asked me about the safety of my neighborhood recently. I think I should probably write about this a couple of times since safety is the standard concern of most people I tell that we live in the inner city. I think it is going to have to be a couple of parts because I...Read More
Meg and I have been spending big chunks of time, multiple hours in a row, talking about our vision for what our experiences living in the inner city will tangibly produce, particularly in this space, I came across something in a book on communication I was reading this morning that helped me think a...Read More
Alright, so something new happened to me today. I was on a Zoom call and someone said they were rethinking where they lived, because of racial inequity. They were thinking of moving out of their neighborhood into one that as more diverse. That’s a new thing. I might have heard someone say that before and...Read More
There is a feeling I have that I don’t know how to describe. Now that we are one month out from George Floyd’s murder, I think it might be safe to say “this thing is going to stick”. It seams to me that the general, American consciousness has been woken up to the idea that...Read More
We recently spent our first couple of nights away from home since last summer. We usually try and sneak a weekend away or go on spring break, but that didn’t happen this year. That means basically every night in the last 9 months we went to sleep in the inner city of Milwaukee. A lot...Read More
I have the privilege of starting work on Charlies house. I did a little work already, tearing down drop ceilings and starting to empty leftover furniture and random things left in the house. I was anxious to start the project but cautions, because I wanted to make sure I captured the story of Charlie and...Read More
I’m in one of those tight spots where I don’t have a ton of time to write something out. I’m in that spot for a couple of reasons, the main one is that I spent three hours on a Zoom call talking about equity in schools. It was time really well spent and I’m glad...Read More
This is a follow up from the post called Fireworks. You might want to read that one first, but if you don’t want to, that’s ok too. We really do have a lot to talk about. Living here means we never run out of things to ponder and reflect on. Meg and I can always...Read More
It’s crazy how easy it is to find things to write about. We just have to pay attention to what is going on around us and even then all we have to do is be here because its impossible not to pay attention. Last night I was lighting the grill. We don’t have anything fancy,...Read More
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