“When you pay rent somewhere, you pay to feel safe, not to worry about if your house is going to catch on fire.” That’s a quote from the article linkedRead More
I was reminded today about a principle in design that is easy to overlook, but is so critical to accomplishing long term goals. It’s particularly useful when the goal is arbitrary or currently unbounded. I have the goal of designing educational systems and structures which minimize the predictability of student success along racial and socio-economic...Read More
For the number of times I have been asked if I am worried about getting shot when I explain to people where I live, you would assume I’ve seen a ton of drive-by shootings. In reality I hadn’t seen one until this past Saturday. My family and I are very lucky to have not witnessed...Read More
We can do anything we want but we can’t do everything we want. I’ve heard a friend of mine say that a couple dozen times over the years. It’s usually in reference to school budgets. Sure we can do whatever we want to do, but there’s always constraints. I’ve been expecting to retire early for...Read More
A large part of my formative years were shaped by religious teaching, mostly from the Christian point of view. I worked 3rd shift in my late teens and early twenties which meant my schedule was inherently different than most of my friends. When they were asleep, I was working and when they worked or were...Read More
I don’t think we have figured out the best way to educate young people. I think we are better than we used to be, but I also think someday we will be better than we are right now. I think it’s absurd to suggest that we have our educational systems and structures so perfectly refined...Read More
I’m sure I could come up with a list longer than 5, but I’ve got to start somewhere. Barring injury or some other, what now seems unlikely, set of circumstances, on December 31st, 2021 I will have ran for at least 3 miles every day for 5 straight years. If you told me starting today...Read More
Meg and Alex are back in the sitting room to talk about the design thinking process and how to take all of the information learned while empathizing with our neighbors and use it to begin to define one of many problems that exist in 53206 – educational outcomes. Show Notes: Measuring Success – Riding...Read More
Meg and Alex are back and talking about some of positive aspects of living in a place that can be highly unpredictable. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/53206/id1526303091Read More
Meg and Alex talk about the eye opening and heart breaking experience of walking through their first rental property. iTunes link: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/53206/id1526303091Read More
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