
14th St Milwaukee
A mass shooting happened here last weekend. 5 girls/women were shot and one 15 year old boy died here. A block away on Concordia St. there are two memorials as well as a home where a 2 year old was accidentally shot and killed. Milwaukee needs more people to help. Milwaukee needs all of us...
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Stolen TV
I told myself if I could get halfway through the bike, I would be ok. I haven’t always been the type of person that exercises. I’d never paid to participate in a race. I’ve run two marathons, but the course was either designed by my sister or just made up as we ran. One year...
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Alex and I have been talking about how people ask us if we are afraid of getting shot where we live on the 53206 Podcast and the truth is that before I moved into the inner city of Milwaukee, I was afraid of getting shot even driving through the area.  But then I moved into my...
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Are some neighborhoods designed to fail the people that live in them?  My neighborhood produces many excellent people but it also produces a lot of people the world would call failures.  People who are in jail, people who don’t graduate high school, people who don’t make above the poverty threshold.  Who’s responsibility is it that...
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I’ve written before about the confused looks on people’s faces when I tell them where we live. Usually I have to physically describe the location in order for someone that lives in Milwaukee to totally get it. Once it sinks in, if the conversation hasn’t ended immediately (which happens more often than not) I am...
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