When the pandemic started, I thought I am going to be the best freaking home schooler mom ever. I also run a small business so not sure where I thought I would have time to do this. But in the beginning I gathered all the resources, information, kid webinars and had these amazing schedules printed out so my kids could get the best education while there wasn’t school. Then day 3 hit and I gave up. I was in too deep and couldn’t sustain what I set out for. I was way too overwhelmed. I am the type of person to go full into something but when it comes to the race stuff, we need to move slow so we can sustain it. We need to stop and listen, learn from others, and ask ourselves questions. I am worried that everyone is so excited now but will be tired of hearing about the innercity by next week.
I love seeing more white people on MLK drive but I would like to see them shopping at Pete’s Fruit Market or going to the Fondy Farmers Market well into June. People coming into the inner-city of Milwaukee is a new thing. It is something we need to make change. Where you spend you time and your money is where you put your value and if you aren’t in the innercity of Milwaukee, you don’t value the people that live there. If we are saying Black Lives Matter, spend time where black people are and use your resources in those areas. There is a wealth of beauty that many are missing out on.