One if the reasons we live in the inner city is because of the trips we led to Jackson, MS. They were the first to show us a way of racial reconciliation that really resonated with Alex and I. We would go down there and gut/revamp houses and learn from community members about living in the inner city. One of the community members we heard talk one night mentioned how many people who live in the inner city don’t have any other options. I still think about this often. I thought about this when we bought our first rental and I realized how a family lived in a home that hadn’t had the landlord care for it in at least 10 years. Or when there’s murders on the block. Just because some people can move into safer and “nicer” neighborhoods isn’t really fair. It’s not fair that poorer people have limited options for neighborhoods. It’s not fair that there are “bad” places to live and people don’t have any other choice. I’m not sure how to change this but I want to keep trying to find ways to make it better for everyone.